Phenibut Explained

Phenibut is a nootropic compound derived from a neurotransmitter known as GABA. This was achieved by a phenyl group to GABA, thus resulting in a compound called Phenibut (β-Phenyl-GABA). This insanely effective derivative is able to enter your brain and lower levels of anxiety and stress.

The intent was to create a chemical that would help users remain calm without sedating them with drugs like xanax. Phenibut is very potent and extremely effective in reducing stress and anxiety. It is commonly used as a potent sleep aid and has a pretty long half life as well.

The dark developmental history of this compound

I find This chemical extremely interesting due to its somewhat dark developmental history. The Soviet Union developed Phenibut in the 1960s for the Russian cosmonaut program.

They allegedly did this because the Soviets were having so many disastrous problems with their space program. Apparently there were too many manned rockets exploding and killing the cosmonauts upon entering the atmosphere. Many of the cosmonauts were terrified and on the brink of a mental breakdowns because they had a high chance of being blown up at work.

So the Soviets had their chemists take GABA and alter it with a phynl group in hopes of creating a drug that would calm their nerves so much that they would not care about anything.

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Protogenis Research Chemicals Review: Are They Legit?

Protogenis Research is a newer company focusing on liquids SARMs and Nasal spray peptides. One of their biggest focuses seems to be on maintaining reliable credit card processing as a payment option. This is significant because many gray market businesses rely on e-checks, unreliable payment apps, or crypto to finalize transactions.

Shipping Time and Integrity Upon Arrival

I requested the items that I wanted from the owner of the company on Wednesday, August 3rd 2022. The package arrived on Monday, August 8th 2022. The majority of this companies orders are shipped out with USPS Priority mail. USPS does a pretty decent job getting packages delivered but the tracking numbers sometimes take an annoying amount of time to update on the USPS site.

The order arrived in a 6 x 6 x 7 Priority Box. Withing the box was a generous amount of shipping popcorn. Additionally, All products arrived in pristine condition because they were each individually sealed in protective bubble wrap! None of the items arrived damaged or leaking in my order.

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IGF-1 LR3 Peptide Explained

IGF-1, or Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1, has an insulin-like effect because it can actually affect blood sugar levels. Insulin’s job is to push glucose and amino acid into muscle tissue and help repair and grow tissue, which is also called hyperplasia.

Increlex is the pharmaceutical brand of IGF-1. But pharmaceutical companies didn’t make this for bodybuilders. It was actually developed to help kids with growth hormone issues such as pituitary dwarfism right. And they were trying to help blast bone receptors with a large enough amount of HGH to signal growth. They discovered that using IGF for that purpose actually worked better. This is because HGH doesn’t have a direct muscle-building impact on the body.

HGH relies on stimulating the receptors responsible for causing the release of IGF-1. But the problem was that the IGF only stays active for like 20 minutes. This is because of something in your body called binding proteins. The purpose of these binding proteins are to identify and deactivate foreign bodies to render them ineffective. So, scientists added a chemical group to the IGF to prevent the binding proteins from degrading it so quickly.

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Enhancement Manifesto E-Book

The Enhancement Manifesto

The Enhancement Manifesto
is the culmination of my many years of first hand research into the world of underground enhancement and research chemicals.

This 40,000 word, 142 page guide documents a massive amount of various compounds that can be used to enhance both body and mind. 

The science and chemistry involved here is often difficult to understand. What I do is break it down in a practical sense where researchers can walk away from this book feeling like an expert. Then, effectively implementing the knowledge into their lives to achieve superior results.

Understand peptide science, become a SARM expert, avoid side effects and diminishing returns, enhance your cognitive performance with powerful nootropics, learn to make your own research chemicals, effectively run PCT, understand TRT and what blood-work to ask for, and much, much more…

The world of enhancement and biohacking can be difficult to understand and gets intimidating. With over 80 different compounds covered, I explain how things work in a broader sense, so you can actually know WHY these things work, and how to use them to your advantage.

  • TRT and Testosterone
  • Peptides
  • Neuropeptides
  • Nootropics
  • PDE5 Inhibitors
  • Aromitase Inhibitors 
  • Prohormones and designer steroids
  • PCT Post Cycle Therapy
  • Learn how to reconstitute and properly store peptides
  • Learn how to get a script for TRT
  • Make your own research chemicals like bac water, peptide sprays, and liquid SARMs
  • Avoid side effects and diminishing returns
  • Understand the science and developmental history of these compounds
  • Run effective dosages
  • Understand how to stack different compounds together
  • Improve sleep
  • Maximize Gains
  • Heal your body better
  • Burn Fat more effectively
  • Increase Cognition
  • Improve Focus and memory
  • Boost your mood to help fight depression and anxiety

I’ve spent the greater part of a decade becoming an expert in the field of chemical enhancement. And now, you can posses that same knowledge with The Enhancement Manifesto.

BPC157 Healing Peptide

BPC157 (also known as PL14736 and Body Protective Compound 157) is a pentadecapeptide. This means it has 15 amino acids with a sequence of 98 hydrogen, 62 carbon, 22 oxygen, and 16 nitrogen atoms. The peptide was banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2022 under the S0 category of non-exempt substances.

BPC157 vs TB500

This healing peptide that is somewhat similar to TB-500. However, the main difference, in my opinion, is that TB-500 is systematic and BPC157 is more site specific.

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Post Surgery Healing Stack

I very recently underwent surgery to repair an inguinal hernia. This resulted in a 4 inch wide incision on my waistline and a very, very sore abdominal area. So, I thought ahead and did plenty of research to create a stack of both supplements and research chemicals to optimize my bodies healing abilities to result in faster recovery. This article will document everything I took during the process and the reasoning behind my taking it. I sincerely hope this information can prove helpful to you down the road.

Healing Peptides


I injected an entire vial of this but split it up into a several smaller shots around the perimeter of the surgery area. I then used the nasal spray version two times per day to maintain the peptide in my system. This amazing compound basically makes most tissues in the body heal faster and better. TB500 is a synthetic peptide of a naturally occurring protein in the body called thymosin beta-4. Thymosin beta-4 promotes healing by stimulating growth of new blood cells and muscle tissue. TB500 basically causes Thymosin beta-4 to accumulate in higher concentrations where tissue has been damaged. Animal experiments have shown that TB500 promotes migration/survival of cells, formation of blood vessels,  and lowering of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

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MOTS-c Metabolic Enhancement Peptide

MOTS-c is a 16-amino-acid peptide encoded in the mitochondrial genome. Mitochondria play a critical role in the generation of metabolic energy and is responsible for most of the useful energy derived from the breakdown of carbohydrates and fatty acids, which is converted to ATP. 

The peptide has been researched extensively in the last few years due to its therapeutic potential, with no shortage of complex research documentation available for reading. Research to date has shown this peptide plays important roles in metabolism, weight regulation, exercise capacity, insulin sensitivity, longevity, anti aging, and even processes leading to disease states like osteoporosis.

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Jacked & Tan Summer Giveaway 2022

Introducing our Sumer-time Jacked and Tan Giveaway sponsored by our good friends at Amino Asylum. There will be one single winner of this giveaway who will receive the following items:

How to Win:

Entering to win is very simple and BS free and there are a few different ways to do it for maximum convenience.

Simply put your email address in the subscriber pop up that you saw when you first came to this website or in the subscription box at the bottom of the site. You can also enter by subscribing directly HERE.

This is a subscriber only giveaway and email is how I contact the winner and release drawing results.

The winner will be contacted and announced on Tuesday, April 5th 2022.

Noopept Nasal Spray Review

Noopept is an nootropic capable of enhancing brain or mental function. Noopept was created by Rita Ostrovskaya (Russian neuroscientist with a background in molecular biology) and patented by a Russian-based pharmaceutical company in 1996.

This nootropic is similar in action to the racetam-class nootropics but I consider it more of a neuropeptide as the primary compound responsible for its efficacy is a peptide called cycloprolylglycine (CPG).

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How I Turned My Passion Into A Money Making Machine

When I started Leavingweakness in 2015, I didn’t originally create the site as a money making business that it later became

I started the site as an online blog to document various things I was doing to improve my life while working a demanding job as the branch manager of a food service company. I originally used it as an online journal to reference for personal accountability. 

After making several post, I surprisingly saw a gradual influx of site traffic from people who needed the content I was creating because they too were on journeys of improving their lives. The more I wrote, the more visitors I got. 

Then, I found out that I could turn words into money…

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TLB150 (RAD-150) Sarm Review and Dosage

TLB150 is a newly engineered sarm that is also known as RAD150. TLB150 was created by adding a benzoate ester to RAD140. An ester is a chemical alteration that determines the half-life and solubility of a drug in the bloodstream.

TLB-150 AKA RAD-150 is structurally like RAD140 but with an added ester to extend the life of the compound. Like the use of esters in testosterone therapy, binding the ester to the chemical extends the life of it 10-fold. This makes it stronger and longer lasting for less frequent administration.

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MSten Prohormone Is Back

Methylstenbolone, known by the nicknames M-Sten, is an orally active designer steroid. Chemically, it is a 17α-methylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

It was never introduced for medical use but was wildly popular among internet retailers falsely marketing it as a supplement. It was brought out post 2012 ban and released initially under the trade name “Ultradrol.” Ultradrol was 4mg a capsule with 8mg being considered high. I would say 20mg is the limit most people would want to consider researching.

Real world application wise, it’s very good compound. And it is close to superdrol with the only difference in the two is a double bond at the 1 position! There is a slight bit of water retention but not as much as superdrol. Also, M-Sten never felt toxic to me, nor came with the very common lethargy of Superdrol.

It’s been a VERY long time since I played with this but I remember it being a good compound and seeing excellent strength and vascularity after exceeding 10mg. Methylstenbolone doesn’t stimulate the progesterone receptor or convert to an estrogenic metabolite when synthesized by the body.

I think M-sten got overshadowed by many other more harsh compounds back in the day. Mainly, because many didn’t utilize an effective dosage or had a negative experience because they purchased a product which was multi-compound stack as most reported cases of bad sides came from products that contained DMZ as an added compound.

MSTEN has recently made a comeback from a few research chemical companies. One of those companies happens to be our good friends at Amino Asylum.

CLICK HERE to see their M-Sten Products and get 20% off with the following discount code: LW20

CLICK HERE to see other review on Amino Asylums product that I’ve written.

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